Thursday, September 13, 2007

Baby Cubes

I've tried to stock my online store with items that I think are useful, high quality, and just plain cool. My favorite items are the baby cubes. I bought myself a set, but I think when the baby is old enough to be eating baby food, I'm going to have to get more. I currently have the small 1oz size, which will be great for my little one who is just about to start out on solids. I've also read that the small sized cubes are good for older babies if you want to feed them more than one type of food at a time.

I'm going to buy a couple of the larger 2oz size baby cubes soon, because I had an epiphany when I was packing my son's lunch for school. I use several small tupperware type containers to hold all his food, and I realized the 2oz baby cubes would work really well for making pudding and jello and things like that instead of buying the small containers of those things, plus they will be easier for him to open than some of the other containers I've sent him to school with.

I'm trying to think back and remember what baby foods I made for my last baby. I think his favorites were sweet potatoes and avacados (not together- and the avacados might have been my favorite, I can't remember). I steamed the sweet potatoes, peeled them, mixed them in the blender (sometimes adding some of the water from steaming them if it is too thick. I used to put the baby food into ice cube trays, then the frozen cubes went in a ziplock bag. The baby cubes will be better because I won't have to deal with cubes sticking together.

One word of warning, from my reading reviews on baby cubes, if you overfill them, the lids will pop open in the freezer.

(Oh- the baby cubes in the picture are the larger 2oz size- they come with 8 cubes. The smaller 1oz size comes with 10.)

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